Saturday, December 21, 2019


It starts with a hobby, interest, and passion and soon blogging becomes a career option for many bloggers. There are a number of full-time bloggers in the country. There are two ways to start a blog: you can either create a blog through Wordpress or Tumblr, which requires no investment, or go for a self-hosted blog.

In case of the latter, you will have to spend money on domain name and server hosting space that can cost you between Rs 3,000-Rs 5,000 a year. Self-hosted blogs have an ad ..

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// Boss vote Big Boss voteMyna nandhini

Content writing

Online platforms can be a good starting point. Depending on the quality of the articles, one gets paid. One may be asked to work upon articles with specific guidelines as well. Develop a niche in your area of expertise and build strength in that domain to increase the revenue stream.

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Web designing

Not all business owners are tech savvy but the need of the hour is to have a website of their own. Those who have a knack for all- things- tech, especially related to websites, can help small businesses set up their own websites and earn from it. Coding and web designing are the essential ingredients in setting up websites. Further, websites need maintenance and may require frequent updates, which may add to one's revenue. Depending on the client and job, a single project can fetch you anywhere  ..

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Social media

addition to interacting with friends and strangers, social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat can be used to make money. Companies and popular brands pay social media strategists to further boost the popularity of their products. With lots of competition around and the constantly shortening of attention time of online viewers, creativity is essential to create posts, videos etc that can go viral quickly and enhance the brand value. Remember, social media needs  ..

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One may

If you are an expert in a particular subject, you can earn by tutoring people online. Online tutoring provides a means to connect online with students of all ages, across the country to provide homework help and tutoring in the subjects for which you have demonstrated expertise.

One may sign up on websites like,,, as an online tutor by creating a profile, and listing the subjects or classes you want to teach, how much experi ..

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Virtual assistantship

Virtual assistantship
Doing all the corporate stuff from one's home is what a virtual assistant (VA) does. VAs basically work remotely with their clients and manage the aspects of their business that they are too busy to handle themselves. When you work as a virtual assistant, you can choose to work as an employee or you can set up your own business.

VAs are skilled, home-based professionals that offer companies, businesses, and entrepreneurs administrative support. ..

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Surveys and searches and reviews

There are several websites offering money to undergo online surveys, carry out online searches, and write reviews on products. To get the credit, one needs to disclose certain information to them including one's banking details. This is why you should use this route with utmost care. Some of them may even ask you to register with them before working on projects. The most important watch out in such projects is to stay away from websites offering money that appears too good to be true. Be careful ..

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But remember

But remember, you will only be paid once you complete your task and it has been approved by your client. This may even mean revising the work several times unless the requirements of your clients are not met. Some sites may ask you to set up a PayPal account, as most clients prefer to make payments through it.
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pzicom obimart obimoney obiclock obirock obimock zoopears zibiart ziciqart zibiqart zigicart zigimark zobimoney zandhop zobyee zobbye watchxmoney wifixone wigimax wishersblock wolwox woocart woomax woonoc woycarr woymart abybye acountox aigimark aigimonks allsixer anewnoc angelpears aobye artgigcs avimonei aviqart ebgoods educommer edujunks emigreet enewnoc esitings everclock ezicart ezipears Hanthop hellsprint highqart hoocart hooqart hotmoneybee hoxbocs hoxpears humblehack humbleox katkombs kidzkites kidzpears kindre kingsbucks kitecart kittywages kinghtfears knocnoc kongsaddress icedocs icepears ideiogigcs illuzion influenzers insectgrab insepion interdue inetrnodez itsmyqart acoolink acutelinkz alinksink alldolinkz allinkzone alltechlinkz anoldlink asklinkz asperlinkz atechlink backlinqart benchmarkz bestlinxz bethetox bigdolinkz blocklinkz bloglinxz bondbuildingz builderblogz bytheroute byteteyoc centerloc centertox centibin centilinks centipears cimplelink cinedoks cinepozt countpears decnoc dedaddy didformoney docsof dollerdocs dooplermoney doortoway dopears dotodone dudeye linkz ficxiomj filterlinkz acutelinkz firstideaz fisherlinkz fixpearslinkz fixthefault fliczone foxlinkz jimjam jingle jumaji joker jumbleheart jumblelinkz jumblezone junglepears justlinkdocs justpears lastideaz lastinglinkz lawoflinking lawzofseo leolikz lethalway lifeizlie linglinkz linkhighdo lumicense maxmobz mimoneymatter mixballz moldmoney moneycountz moneyizmust monkiez mutemonk mylinkzspot mynewnoc qepartment quadpears qualitylinkz quartx quedocs quelinkz quesample quickblogz quitterz quizicaility uberlit ugopears ultralinxz unibucks unidocz unimartz unilinkz uninoc uvinoc uvlinkz moneypears zobye digimark countox newnoc oviqart ovimoney moneygics digimonks zantho bluiker bgiqrat cixer dixcer djjogi dogxer fantkey gorirocks moneyraazu ovicart okkarupai rixcer toyxmart ygiqart pzicom obimart obimoney obiclock obirock obimock zoopears zibiart ziciqart zibiqart zigicart zigimark zobimoney zandhop zobyee zobbye watchxmoney wifixone wigimax wishersblock wolwox woocart woomax woonoc woycarr woymart abybye acountox aigimark aigimonks allsixer anewnoc angelpears aobye artgigcs avimonei aviqart ebgoods educommer edujunks emigreet enewnoc esitings everclock ezicart ezipears Hanthop hellsprint highqart hoocart hooqart hotmoneybee hoxbocs hoxpears humblehack humbleox katkombs kidzkites kidzpears kindre kingsbucks kitecart kittywages kinghtfears knocnoc kongsaddress icedocs icepears ideiogigcs illuzion influenzers insectgrab insepion interdue inetrnodez itsmyqart acoolink acutelinkz alinksink alldolinkz allinkzone alltechlinkz anoldlink asklinkz asperlinkz atechlink backlinqart benchmarkz bestlinxz bethetox bigdolinkz blocklinkz bloglinxz bondbuildingz builderblogz bytheroute byteteyoc centerloc centertox centibin centilinks centipears cimplelink cinedoks cinepozt countpears decnoc dedaddy didformoney docsof dollerdocs dooplermoney doortoway dopears dotodone dudeye 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woycarr woymart abybye acountox aigimark aigimonks allsixer anewnoc angelpears aobye artgigcs avimonei aviqart ebgoods educommer edujunks emigreet enewnoc esitings everclock ezicart ezipears Hanthop hellsprint highqart hoocart hooqart hotmoneybee hoxbocs hoxpears humblehack humbleox katkombs kidzkites kidzpears kindre kingsbucks kitecart kittywages kinghtfears knocnoc kongsaddress icedocs icepears ideiogigcs illuzion influenzers insectgrab insepion interdue inetrnodez itsmyqart acoolink acutelinkz alinksink alldolinkz allinkzone alltechlinkz anoldlink asklinkz asperlinkz atechlink backlinqart benchmarkz bestlinxz bethetox bigdolinkz blocklinkz bloglinxz bondbuildingz builderblogz bytheroute byteteyoc centerloc centertox centibin centilinks centipears cimplelink cinedoks cinepozt countpears decnoc dedaddy didformoney docsof dollerdocs dooplermoney doortoway dopears dotodone dudeye linkz ficxiomj filterlinkz acutelinkz firstideaz fisherlinkz fixpearslinkz fixthefault fliczone foxlinkz jimjam jingle jumaji joker jumbleheart jumblelinkz jumblezone junglepears justlinkdocs justpears lastideaz lastinglinkz lawoflinking lawzofseo leolikz lethalway lifeizlie linglinkz linkhighdo lumicense maxmobz mimoneymatter mixballz moldmoney moneycountz moneyizmust monkiez mutemonk mylinkzspot mynewnoc qepartment quadpears qualitylinkz quartx quedocs quelinkz quesample quickblogz quitterz quizicaility uberlit ugopears ultralinxz unibucks unidocz unimartz unilinkz uninoc uvinoc uvlinkz

Start your own website

Start your own website
There is enough material available online to help create your own website. This includes choosing the domain, templates, and the design for your website. Once ready to service the visitors with the relevant content, sign up for Google Adsense, which when appear on your website and clicked by visitors help you make money. The more the traffic you get on your website, the more will be the potential for higher earnings.

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It starts with a hobby, interest, and passion and soon blogging becomes a career option for many bloggers. There are a number of full-time ...